Where should I place my Sitemap?

We recommend you to place your sitemap in root directory of your website.
Example- Suppose you have a website yourdomain.com and sitemap file sitemap.xml Then URL of the file should be http://www.yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml

Image Suggesting the best location for sitemap

Best Location for sitemap placement

What is the importance of XML sitemap in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ?

As sitemap helps the search engine to get the pages indexed quickly ultimately increase traffic quickly, it is obviously the integral part of Search Engine Optimization. We can say it is one of the aspects (step) in SEO because anyone who is working on SEO does this step of generating and submitting the sitemap to search engines. According to us importance of sitemap in SEO is about 20% which is much.

How to validate my XML sitemap?

Finding out errors in sitemap is one more important thing. When you submit the sitemap to yahoo or Google webmaster tool wait until it download your sitemap. Webmaster tool will tell you if there are errors in sitemap. If you want to know before submitting or waiting for webmaster tool till it downloads, you can use online XML validator tool.